Twenty-Seven in 27

Am I really 27?  I am.  Most days I feel like I am much younger, too unaccomplished and as terrified as a recent graduate that can't find a job.  I often accidentally tell people I am 25. Shouldn't a 27 year old be set on a career path, own more than her car and be able to [...]

Women That Inspire Wednesday – A day late, but what’s new?

Maybe it's because I love that she lets the world in on her life, good and bad. Maybe it's because she is the type of business woman I always believed I would be (but have yet to become). Maybe it's because she has found a way to balance career success with family success. Maybe it's [...]

What Is Beautiful? What Is Healthy?

Typically I don't engage in issue debates on Facebook.  Last week, I read a post about a segment on the Today Show.  You can watch the segment and read the article here.  My feelings about the post and the conversation that ensued has stuck with me for a few days so I decided to write about [...]